GoGoal Hydro Pvt Ltd, a leading manufacturer and service provider of electro-mechanical components, recently resolved a critical problem in Unit 10 of the Bhakra Hydro Electric Project (Right Bank).
Problem Statement
Unit-10, a 5x157MW hydroelectric project, experienced an earth fault issue in the generator stator winding, necessitating immediate shutdown.
Investigation and Analysis
GoGoal team conducted a thorough investigation and analysis, revealing an earth fault in the R-phase of the generator stator winding. This fault damaged the generator core teeth and stator winding bars.
Remedial Action
The team implemented a comprehensive remedial action plan, which included:
- De-bridging and insulation repair of affected core packets: The team carefully removed the damaged core packets and repaired the insulation to prevent further damage.
- Replacement of damaged stator winding bars: The damaged stator winding bars were replaced with new ones, restoring the generator’s electrical performance.
- Specialized testing and validation: The team conducted special testing, including electrical and mechanical tests, to ensure that the unit was safe and efficient.
The team successfully executed the remedial actions without dismantling the rotor, showcasing their expertise and precision in resolving complex problems.
Additionally, the team took extra precautions to ensure the quality and reliability of the repairs, including:
– Conducting thorough cleaning and drying of the generator components
– Applying specialized coatings and treatments to prevent future damage
– Performing detailed inspections and testing to ensure that all repairs met the required standards
The team successfully implemented the remedial action plan, and the unit was restarted. It operated successfully for 72 hours without interruption. Moreover, the machine is now running at its rated output of 157 MW with all temperature and vibrations in limit, ensuring reliable and efficient power generation.
This experience demonstrates GoGoal’s expertise in resolving critical problems. The team’s dedication and expertise enabled the unit to restart successfully, ensuring project completion and reliable power generation.
One more success: